And I'm still too lazy to figure out how to make all paragraphs centered.
This specific homepage is licensed under CC0. (public domain)
Wow, I made this homepage exclusive to May (the month) and I've barely written anything here and it's June soon lol which means it'll be summer :D !!!!! Anyways I have to make a warning about two music I made that was waived under Creative Commons Zero (public domain). There's a possibility that it contains some non-free samples, which means it's not 100% public domain. When I have time, I'll fix that problem. Fortunately, there's not that many non-free stuff in there so it shouldn't be too hard. I apologise for any inconvenience, I didn't know better at the time I made the music.
Also, this post was supposed to be published in May 31st but instead was published the day after.
I guess this specific homepage wasn't used exclusively for May, but almost.
EDIT: By the way, here's the music I'm talking about:
Outer Space Station - OGG fileWell, I got a new homepage and I will kick its butt next month.
Anyway, I have found interest in public domain (also known as "anti capitalism"), I like to use informations without getting kicked in the butt by copyright.
While making this new homepage, I was copying files for the old sites and accidently overwrote the new index.html with the old ones, oops... Luckily, I didn't work on this new homepage like a slave so it's not a big of a deal.
Happy Hacking!